Why Now is the Perfect Time to Invest in Rental Properties without Banks, Credit, or a Ton of Money!

Rent increases have been significant, with some areas experiencing up to 31% increase in just one year.

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Buying a home is not feasible for many, leading to an increase in the percentage of the population renting, which is expected to grow in the coming years.

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Reasons for choosing renting over buying include flexibility to move and avoiding maintenance or repair responsibilities.

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High-interest rates and poor credit prevent some individuals from buying a home.

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The current combination of rising rent prices and a cooling real estate market makes it an ideal time to invest in rental properties.

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Property owners can sell at lower prices than last year, when real estate demand was high.

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Investing in rental properties provides a tangible asset and can help protect against inflation.

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Marko Rubel, a master investor and business coach, offers strategies for acquiring rental properties using creative financing.

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Rubel's strategies are not limited to those with excess money but can be used by anyone with the desire to build wealth and succeed.

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Rubel's kit: Acquire rentals bank-free, credit check-free, low/no money down, with innovative renting and streamlined management.

Image Credit: Unsplash

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