Saving for retirement in a tax-deferred account is a ticking tax time bomb, said David McClellan.

Post Retirement Tax Is A Pain

Eventually, all retirees must take the required minimum distributions (RMDs) starting at age 72

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Post Retirement Tax Is A Pain

A couple who have $500,000 in savings at age of 40  and max out their contributions every year.

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Post Retirement Tax Is A Pain

They will end up with $7.3 million in their 401(k) and face RMDs exceeding $435,000 by retirement.

Post Retirement Tax Is A Pain

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They may face RMDs exceeding $435,000 by retirement and reaching $739,000 by age 80.

Post Retirement Tax Is A Pain

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Consider transferring money from an existing tax-deferred account to a tax-free Roth IRA.

Post Retirement Tax Is A Pain

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This is a better strategy in low-income years, as the transfer amount is usually fully taxable.

Post Retirement Tax Is A Pain

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You may be less prepared for climate-related disasters than you think, said Tara Siegel Bernard 

Post Retirement Tax Is A Pain

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The first thing you should do is assess your home's risk to earthly hazards like fire, floods, and hurricanes.

Post Retirement Tax Is A Pain

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So you should know insurance coverage and always choose 'replacement value coverage when you can.

Post Retirement Tax Is A Pain

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