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How to Make Passive Income on Amazon as an Amazon Affiliate – 6 Effective Ways

How to Make Passive Income on Amazon

Amazon has become one of the most well-known online stores and has revolutionized how we shop.

Amazon makes it easy to buy all kinds of products, from books to high-end electronics and everything in between.

But did you know that you can actually earn money by promoting the products you buy through Amazon? This program allows you to make passive income on Amazon by simply linking to specific products on Amazon and earning a small commission from sales made when people click through your links.

If you are wondering how to make passive income on Amazon as an Amazon affiliate, we can help. Follow our step-by-step guide on how to make passive income on amazon using amazon associates below.

What is the Amazon Affiliate program?

Amazon is the biggest online retail destination, and for good reason. It stocks millions of products and ships them directly to your door.

If you have a popular website or large social media following, you can earn commissions from Amazon by signing up for the Amazon Affiliate program.

The program allows you to place affiliate links within your content (which will be included with every share) so that when people click the links and buy products, you get a cut of the proceeds.

As an example, if someone clicks a link in your Twitter bio and buys something off of Amazon, you will receive a small commission. This is how you can earn money from amazon. But it is not as easy as you think.

How To Make Passive Income On Amazon With Its Affiliate Program

While it is possible to make money on Amazon, it is definitely not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight.

But it is not impossible either. In fact, it can be pretty easy if you follow these simple steps. Here are 6 ways how to make passive income on amazon that you can use in your own business today.

1. Get an Amazon prime account

Becoming an Amazon associate is quick and easy. All you have to do is sign up for an account through one of its affiliate sites. Creating an Amazon associate account with Amazon is easy. To Sign up:

  • Go to and click the ‘Signup’ button.
  • Then fill out some basic information such as your name, address, about your business or website, etc.
  • Add your payment account details

Once that’s complete, you get a unique affiliate ID for yourself, then share it with anyone who wants to buy stuff from Amazon through your site. It is basically creating a clickable Buy Now link that gets shoppers back to Amazon.

2. Research niche products

Researching niche products is a key step in making your Amazon business work for you. After all, it is hard to make sales if you don’t know what sells.

While there are many ways to do product research (including using sites like Jungle Scout and Product Spy), We recommend starting with keyword research.

Keyword research will give you insight into which products are selling well and which ones aren’t selling at all. You can then use that information to determine which products might be worth selling yourself and which ones aren’t worth pursuing.

For example, if you have an audience who is interested in electronics, then you can find those products and post their link back on your website, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

3. Choose a product to promote

Regardless of whether you are promoting your own brand or someone else’s, you need to choose a product first. What are your hobbies? Do you have an interest in sports? Do you follow politics? Choose one of those categories and find a product that fits within it.

For example, if you love football, go for sporting goods. If you like electronics but don’t know anything about them, try consumer electronics. And so forth. You get the idea.

4. Write your first review

An important element of promoting a product or service online is generating content that talks about it and links back to your website.

One way you can generate that content is by writing reviews for products you have used yourself.

The longer, more in-depth, and more thoughtful your review is, the more likely people are to read it and click through to your site.

If someone clicks through and buys something on your recommendation, you get a commission. It is pretty easy to set up an account with one of several affiliate networks like Commission Junction.

They provide all kinds of tools to help you track sales and commissions so you can be sure you are getting paid what you deserve.

5. Promote your products on social media

When you share products through your Facebook, Twitter, or other social media accounts, you are making money. You might not even realize it.

When you like a product or service’s Facebook Page or Tweet about their latest offering with your followers, you may receive promotional credits or another form of compensation from brands and companies. These rewards will typically arrive in your inbox along with notifications that other people have liked your post which gives them free marketing exposure too.

6. Create email lists with Mailchimp

If you are a content creator, blogger, or someone who builds products for people online, having an email list is one of the best ways to start generating passive income.

You can create email lists using Mailchimp. Once you capture those emails and send your first campaign or two, you will be able to see what kind of subscriber behavior you are getting.

This will help you decide if it’s worth investing more time into growing that list. It will also help you figure out what kinds of offers are most appealing to subscribers, which will then inform your marketing strategy in general.

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The amazon affiliate program is one of the easiest ways for bloggers and internet marketers to make money online. And it doesn’t require having your own product or service.

If you don’t have your own product, but you want a passive income stream, you can use your blogging skills and expertise to promote others’ products by using amazon affiliate links in your posts.

In turn, Amazon pays you a commission when someone buys that product after clicking through one of your affiliate links.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. 1. Does Amazon Passive Income Work?

    Yes, it will work for anyone who plans it properly and execute it at right time with the right strategy.

  2. 2. How Do I Make Passive Income on Amazon?

    To start making money on Amazon, it’s important to research the market and find products that are selling well. Once you have a list of products, it’s time to start selling.